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But I Don't Ride Like That!
Have you ever been told to move your body a certain way in the saddle, only to think, “But I don’t ride like that!” ? You're not alone....

The Only Time Failure Comes Before Success is in the Dictionary!
It’s a great saying, even if it’s not technically true! But I was reminded of it during a recent clay pigeon shooting lesson, and it got...

Gripping is often not just a bad habit!
One of the most common riding struggles is gripping with the legs. Riders are often told to "stop gripping," "relax the legs," or "open...

Why Stretching Isn’t Always the Answer to Feeling Tight: Strengthening Is the Key for Riders
Many horse riders struggle with tight hamstrings, hip flexors, and calves , believing that stretching is the solution. Common complaints...

The Importance of Femur Length, Not Just Height, in Saddle Fit and Rider Biomechanics.
One of the most overlooked factors in saddle fit is femur length . While most people focus on rider height and weight when matching a...

Understanding Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Why the Bowl of Water Analogy Can Be Misleading
Pelvic position is a hot topic for riders, with analogies often used to help them understand their posture . A common one is the "bowl of...

Celebrating Wins and Learning from Mistakes: The Balanced Approach to Riding Progress
Why Reflection Matters in Riding I had an interesting conversation with a client yesterday—an older, more novice rider who initially came...

Why Rider Posture and Position is the Key to Effective Riding
Why Rider Posture and Position Matter More Than You Think When it comes to riding, posture and position are about much more than looking...

A Stable Lower Leg: More Than Just Staying Still
I’ve had some really interesting conversations online this week after sharing a video of a rider whose leg was braced forward and...

"Lengthen the stirrups" " Relax the leg" " Heels down" Why these comments aren't all that helpful!
I recently shared a video of a rider’s first-ever canter on the simulator. She’s a beginner rider who has been taking lessons at a local...

The Sweet Spot in Stirrups: Your Foundation for Rider Stability
If It’s Good Enough for Lucinda Green, It’s Good Enough for Me! Lucinda Green, one of the greatest eventers of all time, knows a thing or...

Introducing SymmFit: Transforming Rider Biomechanics and Confidence
Look good. Rider Better. We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Pegasus Physio SymmFit, our innovative new clothing line designed to...

Trouble riding a circle?
Riding circles can be challenging, especially if you're unsure how your body impacts your horse's movement. By improving your rider...

Why I Don’t Promote No Stirrups November
As a rider physio , I often work with riders on the mechanical horse ( rider simulator) with no stirrups to address and improve various...

Why Are We So Obsessed with "Heels Down" When Being in Alignment is What Really Matters?
Many riders have heard the mantra "heels down" as if it holds the secret to perfect riding. While this phrase is common in the equestrian...

"How long have you been riding? What are your credentials?"
Recently, I encountered a thought-provoking discussion on social media where it was suggested that, because I am not an elite rider, my...

Who knew foot position for riders would be so controversial?!
"I'm a new rider and before i saw your post I was more on my toes thinking that was correct and my teacher didn't correct me. After i saw...

The Importance of Understanding the "How" and "Why" in Your Riding Exercises
As a physiotherapist, I’ve seen how crucial the "how" and "why" of exercise are for enhancing your riding performance. Today, we’re...

Navigating Riding Advice & Social Media
In the age of social media, riders are inundated with varying opinions and techniques, each claiming to unlock the secret to better...

Rider Accuracy vs. Precision: How you become a better rider!
This week, I had an eye-opening clay pigeon shooting lesson. I was consistently missing my target by less than a centimeter—so close, yet...

What makes a good rising trot??
The Importance of Hip Extension in Rising Trot The rising trot is a fundamental movement in equestrian riding, essential for maintaining...

Why I Start with Small, Controlled Exercises Before Global Strengthening
I love a good squat, lunge, or deadlift when working with athletes, and riders are athletes! These exercises are fantastic for building...

❓Does Practice Make Perfect?🏇❓
While the saying "practice makes perfect" is well-known, it doesn't always hold true for riding. Simply spending countless hours in the...

The Importance of Choosing the Right Exercise AND Doing It Properly, for Improving your Riding Skills
When it comes to improving riding skills, the exercises you choose and how you execute them are just as important as the time and effort...
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